The Project

CIGN (Creative Industries Global Network) is a pan-European network for curricular development for the Creative Industries. It aims to identify sectorial skill-gaps, develop curricula to address these, and enable opportunities for future employment.


Project Coordinator
Tommie Nyström
Linköping University
SE-60176 Norrköping


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Report 1A - Identification of Skills Gaps in Cross-Media Production in the Creative Industries at EU-level
This report describes the transformation of the skills portfolio as the media design and production sector evolved into the creative industries. The emergence and functioning of sector councils in Europe highlight this. These councils are a means to come to a more structural and concerted approach in assessing skills needs involving all of the relevant stakeholders. Special attention will be given to the latest and most relevant EU-policy and research papers related to media design and production.

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Report 1B - Identification of Skills Gaps in Cross-Media Production in the Creative Industries at national level
This second of two initial reports into the developing requirements of the Creative Industries Cross Media Design and Production sector will focus on national strategies of the four CIGN participating nations (Belgium, Germany, UK/Scotland and Sweden) and observations from the silent partner, Ryerson University in Toronto, Canada.

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Evaluation Report
The CIGN project aims to research and identify gaps between the skill-sets needed in today’s professional world in the Creative Industries and the education presently occurring at industry and academic institutions. Over the course of the project, a series of gaps had been identified and course concepts and materials have been developed and presented to students at universities participating in the CIGN project.
This document focusses on the evaluation process that accompanied the presentation of the courses. It will describe how the evaluation has been carried out and report on the findings gained throughout the evaluation process.


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IC Journal No 9 - Bouters, Mothersill, Nyström, Sutter, Westbomke


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Presentation given at the Innovation Day at Stuttgart Media University, 23rd of November 2016 by Christel De Maeyer.

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Presentation given at the GrafKOM conference in Malmö (Sweden), 3rd - 4th November 2015.
GrafKOM gathers everyone interested in graphic communications. The members range from the largest graphic companies to smaller print shops, copy shops, CRDs, graphic schools and educators, suppliers and more. Today GrafKOM has about 100 members.
At the GrafKOM flagship event I/O everyone who wants is encouraged to tell and share experiences and ideas about what drives the industry forward.

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Presentation given at the International Conference for Graphic Communication Educators at California Polytechnic State University (USA), July 5-10, 2015.

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Presentation given at the EGIN Annual Conference 2015 in Zagreb (Croatia). 23th - 24th of April, 2015.

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Presentation given at the INTERNATIONAL WEEK at Stuttgart Media University, 24th to 28th November 2014.

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Presentation given at the 8th Annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation Seville (Spain). 16th - 18th of November, 2014.

Project Details

Start date: 2014-09-04
Programme type: Key Action 2 – Cooperation and Innovation for Good Practices
Programme Acronym: CIGN
Duration: 36 months
End Date: 2017-09-04

Flag of the European Union
Funded by the European Union
within the ERASMUS+ Programme